Working from home is now as common as working at the office. So, the technical features and security measures that go along with working remote are more important than ever. Securing a remote work strategy always a far away dream for most companies. Well, that dream became a harsh reality in the beginning of 2020.
Now, you are likely facing hardware and software issues that are creating unnecessary downtime. As well as trying to keep your team morale up while you’re all in different places. Lastly, trying to keep the behaviors that need to be in line with company policies, outside of company walls.
4 Ways To Improve Your Remote Workforce
When Using A Personal Device For Work
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), or in some cases, “please tell me that you have something that you can use at home?”. Ensure that IF your employees are using their own devices, they have some sort of security software in place and updated. If you or your employees are accessing online services, create a password criteria with strict standards.
Social Media Distancing
Understandably, there will be an increase in social media use, and it may happen during working hours, on personal devices that are also being used for work projects. Remind employees that security is always important, but especially if they are mixing devices and using the same login credentials for work and personal accounts. They really should not be doing this, but we know it happens. Those online social media quizzes can reveal more than your favorite color and should be strongly discouraged.
Increased Support
As a business owner, you may not have needed this amount of support before the COVID-19 crisis. But like yourself, your employees need to feel secure. They need to know that you are there for them at any time. They need to feel confident they know how to avoid crisis’s and what to do when one arises. So, while you may not have had a clearly outlined process before this, you will need to establish a procedure for reaching you or your IT team.
The Cloud and Offsite Backup
If there was ever an ideal time to move your business to the cloud, this is it. It has been proven that the future is not certain. We don’t know what life will be like in 6 months, a year, or 5 years. Moving your business to the cloud now will allow you to be fully remote, partially remote, in office, or anywhere-really. When you aren’t sure where your team will be in the future, having the cloud in place will put you at ease knowing you’re set up for success no matter what the future holds.
You may find that asking them to sit down and do it is a challenge. They are busy and perhaps have not committed the time to you, but if you just do it for them, you may find that it cements your relationship with them further by showing how proactive you are, as well as being there when it is time to be reactive.
Do You Have a Plan?
This is a reminder to take the time to create a technology plan and recovery strategy for your business. It is not worth the risk to go about life assuming you will no be affecting by the cyber security crisis. Especially with more people working remote, there is more of a chance something could go wrong.
To get a free cyber security quote and see where you stand right now, click here.
Read more about cyber security and more on our blog.
To speak to iMedia directly and get a plan in place, give us a call at 508-790-4171, or email us at hello@imediatech.com.