Is Your Business Ready to Upgrade? Here’s Why Hosted VoIP Beats Traditional Phone Service

If you’re reevaluating your business phone service, you’ll notice things have changed dramatically in recent years. Once upon a time, traditional landlines were the only option. Early versions of VoIP had their challenges, but that’s no longer the case—today’s hosted VoIP technology has evolved, and businesses of all sizes are making the switch.

We highly recommend hosted VoIP to nearly every client who’s looking to upgrade their phone service or cut telecom costs. Here’s why.

1. Cost Savings: Hosted VoIP is Far More Affordable

One of the main reasons businesses switch to VoIP is cost. VoIP typically slashes your phone bill in half compared to traditional landline service. And the savings go beyond monthly costs—traditional systems often require expensive on-site PBX hardware, costing upwards of $1,000 per line. With VoIP, there’s no need for this hardware. Everything runs on your existing network and devices, saving you even more money.

If you’re planning a remodel or building a new space, VoIP has another cost advantage: it eliminates the need for separate copper phone wiring. Instead, VoIP runs over a single LAN cable that handles voice, data, and sometimes even power!

2. Wireless & Location-Agnostic Service: Perfect for Remote Teams

VoIP offers a huge advantage for remote and hybrid teams by decoupling phone numbers and extensions from physical desk phones. Depending on your VoIP service, employees can access their VoIP extensions through their Microsoft 365 or Active Directory login—wherever they’re working, VoIP follows them.

3. Hardware Flexibility

Worried about employees needing to carry desk phones everywhere? VoIP eliminates that need. Employees can use lightweight VoIP phones in the office or take calls through a USB headset or laptop speakers. VoIP also integrates with smartphones, and platforms like Microsoft Teams support both voice and video calls seamlessly.

4. More Features Than Traditional Landlines

VoIP systems come packed with features that landlines can’t match—or charge extra for—such as number portability, easy group call transitions, integration with productivity tools, and switching between voice and video calls. These capabilities are standard with most VoIP plans, at no extra cost.

5. Superior Voice Quality

Yes, you heard that right—voice quality on modern VoIP systems is better than what you get from landlines. Thanks to advancements in processors, internet speeds, and device microphones, VoIP now offers superior call clarity, often better than cellular or landline services.

Ready to Switch? We’re Here to Help

For most businesses, switching to hosted VoIP is a clear win. While there are technical details to consider, such as bandwidth needs and failover internet connections, VoIP consistently proves to be the better choice. For more information on how VoIP can help your business, check out our previous blog A VoIP Phone System to Grow Your Business with iMedia.

Reach out to our team today to learn more and explore how VoIP can transform your business.